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Tag Archives: herbs

Alternative Treatments for Fertility

About 10 percent of couples struggle with infertility and an inability to conceive, according to the Centers for Disease Control. For those struggling to have children, fertility treatment can become tiring and expensive very quickly. There are numerous alternative treatments including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that have been thought to improve fertility.

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Acupuncture May Relieve Knee Arthritis

Knee arthritis is a painful condition in which the joints in the knee become inflamed. Depending on the severity of the condition, it may limit an individual’s normal range of motion, forcing him or her to keep body weight off the affected knee. While there’s no known cure for arthritis of the knee, a recent study found herbal acupuncture to

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More than Needles: 6 TCM Therapies You May Never Have Heard of

Most people know that one way to feel better is with acupuncture needles.  You go to your acupuncturist feeling bad.  I put in a few needles.  You leave feeling lighter, energized, more pain-free.

Using acupuncture needles to heal is part of a broader medical system called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).  By observing body systems and the links between symptoms, TCM

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